Jiraya Sensei ;D

Thumbnail of the map 'Jiraya Sensei ;D'

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Author -Jol-
Tags -jol- author:-jol- fun unrated
Created 2010-09-07
Last Modified 2010-09-10
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Oh... too bad ;D

Other maps by this author

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trap 700 Frames - Thumps - Trapdoor - 2 Rockets - KRADDA Barioth New KRA-Style Girl, Put Your Panties Off And Play With Me 120-4: Klondike


Pages: (0)

No. 7

Ästhetisch im Mittelmaß und vom Gameplay her auch etwas lasch. Wirklich gut war es nur am Anfang.

Really simple.

Beginning plays out nicely. Doesn't qualify for sensei. 2.5^
Demo Data

There are drones.

This cannot be a sensei map.