The Temple of Time

Thumbnail of the map 'The Temple of Time'

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Author FireOps
Tags author:fireops incomplete unrated
Created 2005-12-03
Last Modified 2005-12-03
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Its one (I hope) of my best N arts.

I was inspired by Zelda
The Ocarina of Time

I becom the Idea after i have see the N art from 47percent
its the picture "Legend of Zelda"
(here the Link:

Some seconds later i have hear the music of the game,
and *plink* i have the idea too make this N art

P.S. Its not finish. And i hope, that you can give my ideas what i can make instead of the quest mark. Make reviews pls.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'What is happend? -The escape-Part1' Thumbnail of the map 'What is happend? -The Entrance -Part 2' Thumbnail of the map 'What is happend? -In the dark -Part 3' Thumbnail of the map 'What is happend? -The capture -Part 4 1/2' Thumbnail of the map 'What is happend? -Not another cell -Part 4 1/2' Thumbnail of the map 'What is happend? -The invasion -Part 5'
What is happend? -The escape-Part1 What is happend? -The Entrance -Part 2 What is happend? -In the dark -Part 3 What is happend? -The capture -Part 4 1/2 What is happend? -Not another cell -Part 4 1/2 What is happend? -The invasion -Part 5


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Faster All Gold :p

Soz...had to do it :p

I agree with blazeraid's suggestion.
Demo Data


Ya spelt "temple" wrong...


Anyone another idea?


Good Idea

All golded

Speaking of gold, it looks very messy and not consistand, maybe try to make the alter the 3 spirtual stones are on and use drones and mines for the stones?
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