
Thumbnail of the map 'Recoiled'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Riobe
Tags action author:riobe medium mine-jumper playable rated sensei
Created 2010-09-13
Last Modified 2010-09-13
by 29 people.
Map Data

Description first acceptable map in a while

dear god maps take a lot more to pump out now

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Alibi' Thumbnail of the map 'American Conscience' Thumbnail of the map 'Eagle' Thumbnail of the map 'Pistons' Thumbnail of the map 'Cryptic' Thumbnail of the map 'Fresh Hex'
Alibi American Conscience Eagle Pistons Cryptic Fresh Hex


Pages: (0)


awesome map
Demo Data

no fbf

on NReality...
Demo Data

i love the tiles =)

really nice map^^ 5/5
Demo Data


Riobe is

my idol. This is pretty hot stuff. 5aved.


Demo Data

I died.

On the launchpad? :o
Demo Data


Good job on your place. :)

Stop bitching.

And show some respect for the people who make the community what it is.

It's depressing coming back to NUMA the way it is. And no, before you say it, I'm not going to just leave again then. :P


slight fbf
Demo Data


The only reason I can see that kept this map from winning is that Pheidi didn't make it. 5


Riobe, this was a pleasant surprise! Looked good AND played good! Lots of fun!
Demo Data

Well done Riobe

I loved this map.

first try AGD

Demo Data

Glad it placed.

Should have placed first though.

This should have won. 5aved

Wow, I think this might be better than Pheidi's.

Surprisingly easy

More races! D:
Demo Data

Oh, haha.

This is for sensei. I'm so fail.


very simple, very fun.
It probably has to do with how long we've been in this community. For example, the first map i played was your first map, so we're about the same age (On Numa anyways lol). You've always mapped a TON more than I have, but i do feel that lack of inspiration and self judgement that prevents me from submitting maps frequently. Fun map regardless, definitely a threat to the competitors.

I think this

could have used some normal drones going across to give you some sort of challenge. Nothing crazy, just something to add a little timing to the mix.

Regardless, this looks pretty great.
Really fun, and I love the looks (tileset and mines). 4.5aved. UP.

30 this year?

Psssh. Try like, 6 this year.

Pretty cool stuff.

I love that bouncepad trick, as you can see from my last map. :D

looks (very) beautiful, but the gameplay is too simple and short for my taste.

Holy Fuck!

I am in love with this. Linking this on my profile. 5aved.


And this map is cool beans.
I've probably made about 30 or so acceptable maps /this year/. Gawsh.


I have too many Riobe maps on my feature worthy list D:



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