A familiar face

Thumbnail of the map 'A familiar face'

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Author Hyjinx
Tags action author:hyjinx hyjinx misty playable rated
Created 2010-09-27
Last Modified 2010-09-27
by 9 people.
Map Data

Description a mistalker 'impersonation'. I just hope I did it some justice and don't upset him in doing so.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'A perfectly beautiful adventure' Thumbnail of the map 'What a trip' Thumbnail of the map 'The day the earth stood flat' Thumbnail of the map 'A lonely cross reference'
A perfectly beautiful adventure What a trip The day the earth stood flat A lonely cross reference


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you all successfully drove this guy away from NUMA with your abrasive attitudes and sour dispositions. He made better maps than most of the people who accused him of MAin also. I am disappointed with Mahi and Radium especially, though I should expect this type of idiotic behavior from them.
Pretty sure only 'nid can do IP scans for some idiotic reason. Anyway, yeah, no one is fooled at this point so it's entirely pointless to keep up the charade.
you aren't fooling anyone. we've been around long enough to recognize your type.
Everyone always disagree's with me but I'm always right anyway. By the way, you're charade is making you look bad.
he can do IP scans. that means it's hard, cold evidence. don't run from that.

look here

i was a multi accounter once too. i know the tell tale signs of how they talk. man, you're not even good at it. you try to act all new and then you go around talking like some know it all whose been in this community for years. its contradictory on so many levels.

also, you were blatantly rude and mean to me. you told me to go to hell. what's up with that. i never just flat out started attacking you... all i did was make a few statements stating the obvious. it wasn't just me either. and yet you went along and had a shit fit. unless you really are guilty, there was no reason to have that reaction, now was there?

my testament is this: we're not fucking accusing you of anything. we said a couple of vague remarks and you got defensive because we saw past your pathetic disguise. so grow up and stop being a cunt to me. i'm sick of your petty arrogance, whether it's to myself, or this community as a whole.

don't think i'm just some guy who doesn't know what the hell they're talking about. it takes one to know one. and we all know this one.

and you make me feel funny inside. 0/5.

all gold

Demo Data

sniped...again >.>

sad that I get accused of stuff, and I didn't do anything wrong. Bloody annoying.