Relentless Missile

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Author gyrocoptor
Tags author:gyrocoptor dda rated
Created 2005-12-04
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description My first DDA. I tried expirementing with the different propulsion systems. There's a few close calls, too.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Perpetual Motion Machine' Thumbnail of the map 'Christmas Eve' Thumbnail of the map 'Death Defounded Star- Gyro's edition' Thumbnail of the map 'Boss Battle- Death Skull!' Thumbnail of the map 'Space Invaders' Thumbnail of the map 'Money=Evil?'
Perpetual Motion Machine Christmas Eve Death Defounded Star- Gyro's edition Boss Battle- Death Skull! Space Invaders Money=Evil?


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too big

TOO BIG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)


Agreed with Wedgie. Too much gold delay, not enough immediate threats. Still, it's great for a first level (love the loop-de-loop) and is mildly entertaining. Here's to hoping you make another DDA with a bit more exciting. 3.0

not bad

its ok for a first DDA but its a bit too 'quiet'. there needs to be more happening. more time having lots of close calls instead of being stood around waiting. also try not to over-use gold delay too much. but for a first DDA not too bad. :D


ill rate the timelenth a 2.5 the use of tools a 3.5 the close calls a 2.5 the creativity a 4.0 and a fist DDA bonus 1.0 overall = 4.0

great job


4, good for a first level