
Thumbnail of the map 'Initial'

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Author Wyvern233
Tags author:wyvern233 dda rated
Created 2005-12-04
Last Modified 2005-12-04
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description Alright, here we go.
This level was made with a rather random tileset at first.
Minor tile changes were made to work better with everything else.
I personally like this level because most of the action occurs in areas that are only about 4 squares wide/tall/long.

Repost: Got bumped off before anyone rated
Please Rate!!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Flowers and... Boxes?' Thumbnail of the map 'Yet another Simple Challenge' Thumbnail of the map 'End' Thumbnail of the map 'Stitchy' Thumbnail of the map 'A 3x3 Challenge' Thumbnail of the map 'Kami'
Flowers and... Boxes? Yet another Simple Challenge End Stitchy A 3x3 Challenge Kami


Pages: (0)

Nice work

I'm pretty much against gold delay in maps, which is why I can't give it a five, but it was a good map overall, and I think it deserves a 4.0 - 4.5. I went with the higher one.


I enjoyed it. Very clean cut, a lot of close calls. You get a 4.5.

pretty good

good DDA, ill rate the time length a 4.0 the use of tools 3.5 the close calls 4.5 and the creativity a 3.0 overall=4.0