Trold Træ

Thumbnail of the map 'Trold Træ'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author andreas_xx
Tags action author:andreas_xx climbing gauss hard unrated
Created 2010-10-14
Last Modified 2010-10-14
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Again, the name is Danish :P

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Just Push Play' Thumbnail of the map 'Waves' Thumbnail of the map 'Bite-site' Thumbnail of the map 'Farewell v.2' Thumbnail of the map 'Wired Up' Thumbnail of the map 'Den du ikke ser'
Just Push Play Waves Bite-site Farewell v.2 Wired Up Den du ikke ser


Pages: (0)

hey friend

you're invited to these two competitions:

07-0: Mined Area 36 []
07-4: Mined Area 40 []



I propose you something.

My next episode 8 is a collaboration with apakenua.
I have created 5 tilesets with a similar style and apakenua places the objects creating the same style and gameplay with increasing difficulty.

I want you and others (Sunset, miststalker06, lsudny, fireburnsfree, rozer, Chrdrenkmann, AVATAR_FANATIC, brinleyfish, and romaniac) collaborate in the creation of a bonus mappack.

At ten I deliver you the 5 tilesets and ask the same thing to apakenua.
Include the bjects in the maps, creating a similar concept and gameplay, with progressive difficulty in episode.

No one could watch the episode 8 or any other maps.
Each of you will create the episode in its own way.
If being influenced by what he did the other.

It may be interesting to include in a mappack all the maps and then see the style you created each one, differences and similarities.
Everyone can play the mappack.

What do you think? I give you the 5 tilesets?

I await your response

yea i know its hard... its actually also a tag xD


Some gold is just too hard to get.
Demo Data

nope... it just looks like it... i got the idea from it...


Stolen from episodes