1-2 Tip of the Iceberg

Thumbnail of the map '1-2 Tip of the Iceberg'

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Author evanmce
Tags author:evanmce easy experimental fun gauss n-artish unrated
Created 2010-10-22
Last Modified 2010-10-22
Rating 1 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description 3/4's of the iceberg is underwater. And here comes the Titanic.

Other maps by this author

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0-0 Evan 0-2 Adrenaline Rush 0-3 Baubles 0-4 Blotted 1-0 Paint it Gray 1-1 Melancholy


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Demo Data

this is a pretty neat idea


Demo Data
.. you're doing pretty well. Here's my first all-gold. A bit slower than Buddylee's.
Demo Data
I wouldn't worry about "generic" all too much.


Pretty generic. Gauss+bounceblocks+gold=done. Tileset is OK.
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4aved, interesting map where minute changes in direction make all the difference for those gausses. AGD
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