dr oct

Thumbnail of the map 'dr oct'

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Author Brttrx
Tags action author:brttrx dude playable unrated
Created 2010-11-25
Last Modified 2010-11-25
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description when I was buying my 4 liters of soda, I always had them gone by the end of the day- living with 3 other room-mates. They always seemed welcomed to any shit when it wasnt their own for some reason... human mentality. So, one day I decided to go out and buy the most boring ass shit ever, ended up with like, a carton of eggs, a stalk of celery and 2 big ass bottles of seltzer water...and over time, i learned to like that shit, like, when you pass most people some seltzer water, they'll pass on that shit, but i've been drinking it for like 7 months now, and now I honestly dont mind it, like, sometimes I even crave it. And I come home at the end of the day knowing I have all the seltzer water I want cause aint no one gonna touch that shit

Other maps by this author

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The blind nigga samurai Status? la la, la, la, laaaaa carnival ferris waterfall


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you may have just saved me hundreds of dollars per month. We shall see.
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dude you crack me up

oh duh

this was when you were on about that one band. SLATS SLATS SLATS.


Pretty good. I didn't like the gauss/rocket combo though.
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strange is the best time to map

you sir

are very strange