11-2 Why I'm told feeding a penguin brandy is a bad idea

Thumbnail of the map '11-2 Why I'm told feeding a penguin brandy is a bad idea'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author evanmce
Tags author:evanmce mappack unrated
Created 2010-12-03
Last Modified 2010-12-03
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Who knew?

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map '10-2 The slightly infatuated laser drone' Thumbnail of the map '10-3 Red Hot Chili Peppers' Thumbnail of the map '10-4 Archimedes says eureka' Thumbnail of the map '11-0 Feelin' Good Eh?' Thumbnail of the map '11-1 Yellow Jello' Thumbnail of the map 'JOIN US!'
10-2 The slightly infatuated laser drone 10-3 Red Hot Chili Peppers 10-4 Archimedes says eureka 11-0 Feelin' Good Eh? 11-1 Yellow Jello JOIN US!


Pages: (0)

Ok ...

my fastest ...
Demo Data


wait ... are you leaving NUMA for GOOD? or just temporarily?

and slow speedrun completion >.< (irony ftw)
Demo Data

you can also use the following instead of url:
b gives bold
i gives italics
u gives underline
list gives a list,

  • just put * in brackets before each line for a bulleted list
  • list=a will letter it (still use asterisks tho)
  • list=1 will number it (still use asterisks tho)

img puts out the image at the url u put between the tags
in other places (i believe the forums are one of them), using the following will do things, but not currently on numa:
color= followed by a hexadecimal triplet changes color
size= followed by a pixel number changes font size
quote="name" and between brackets typing the quote puts out a quote (this works on numa, but doesnt look right)

any number of these can be used in conjunction, but they must be matched,
i.e.: b i words. b i WILL NOT WORK
but, b i words. i b WILL WORK

see the BBCode page [] for more help



Second try

clickhere. []


didnt work

oh thats cool

click here.


Demo Data
I liked how you tied it in with the song
But with square brakets.
??? is the address of the page you want
words. represents the text that will appear as the link. (you can also put the address here instead of the ??? and it will still work.