XX composite Engine

Thumbnail of the map 'XX composite Engine'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Tags author:palemoon rated
Created 2010-12-21
Last Modified 2010-12-21
by 15 people.
Map Data

Description convoluted , 'awkward' , and let's not forget 'missing something'

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'cCIRCUIT' Thumbnail of the map 'Kill Z Kill' Thumbnail of the map 'brutalized Organic Interfacer' Thumbnail of the map 'AuXPRozNOOneallowed' Thumbnail of the map 'R focuser' Thumbnail of the map 'L focuser'
cCIRCUIT Kill Z Kill brutalized Organic Interfacer AuXPRozNOOneallowed R focuser L focuser


Pages: (0)

thanks for playing

'old palemoon' doesn't exist

hahaha so stupid

this map was an adventure in a big old factory with shocky things poking out at you, like the roof of a big industrial building. could've used some drones.

Yeah PALEMOON... switch back.

This style is.. uh.. no.

Sorry. 1

I miss old palemoon

Where did he go :(

Superstardom has a point. 2
But from my point of view its messy and cluttered, annoying to play. Sorry :(


Demo Data

Demo Data

ever done that thing where you make a supercool rocket dodge but then realize you previously died and hit enter, so you're not recording anymore

i feel like you got nominated for mapper of the year and you're not sure why so you're doing all this cool stuff now
but I say that in a good way, cause it's nice to play a map that feels and looks deferent then all the other mepper's maps


took me a while.
Demo Data

this defines "action" quite swell
i like it