00-3: No love for these muthafuggin' Hoes

Thumbnail of the map '00-3: No love for these muthafuggin' Hoes'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author mystro23
Tags 0m-3 23 author:mystro23 mystro rated
Created 2010-12-31
Last Modified 2010-12-31
by 33 people.
Map Data

Description Slum Dog Millionaire Bollywood Flow.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Stability, unstable' Thumbnail of the map 'Righteous  Followers' Thumbnail of the map 'Intrigue This' Thumbnail of the map '00-1: Taking a lovely Stroll' Thumbnail of the map '00-0 We Intertwined' Thumbnail of the map '00-2: Sniping'
Stability, unstable Righteous Followers Intrigue This 00-1: Taking a lovely Stroll 00-0 We Intertwined 00-2: Sniping


Pages: (0)

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Demo Data


U kujw rgw duear rgubf,
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Regardless or multi-accounts or no, If you are being sniped, stop putting up maps that can be rated. The ratings system technically has nothing to do with anything anymore, not since they took away the top authors lists. Also, I can think of much better ways to fuck with people than multi-accounting.


the map is boring!


Map is absolutely great!
I'd love to post an AGD (i was so close) but i can't because of i'm drunk.


Radium, screw off.

this map is boring

maybe i'm that sincere because i'm drunk...
happy new year numa!!!
fuck snipers!!!

They think I'm a multi-accounter (someone who has more than 1 account) so they rate my maps down, now it seems that someone is rating them up to counter-act it.

the map is awful

the author is corrupt. and bland. and untalented.


Whoever is doing this doesn't like mystro23?

Why not? :o


it was just to show how incredibly stupid numa is at reacting to these kind of events. if they want them to go away, they should let them die off, and say, not rate them.


I'm assuming "sniped" is when a map gets a lot of good/bad ratings at once?

Is it by one person or what? :o I've noticed a lot of your maps are getting "sniped".

Come on . . .

Why do you keep getting sniped? There is no reason for this conflict.
blah blah blah disable him blah blah blah stop it blah blah blah numa is in despair blah blah blah blah blah rant about how you're killing numa.

I think I settled it all guys.
either my maps are being inflated or sniped, can't people just be mature and rate 1 time and play it and be all happy and blah blah blah...I would appreciate it if people backed off.


I really liked this level! 5/5 and faved. :D
Demo Data

Well here goes the sniping, haha


Demo Data



cool hearts


4/5 and faved.

Good job with this map.