
Thumbnail of the map 'Seranade'

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Author Aetherium
Tags action author:aetherium unrated
Created 2011-01-19
Last Modified 2011-01-19
Map Data

Description Should not have comeback to numa.
My maps are terrible :\ I'm not cut out for this anymore, I bid you farewell.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'My Depature Plan' Thumbnail of the map 'A Test of Perception' Thumbnail of the map '2 is Not a Crowd' Thumbnail of the map '"Prove you can live after going through a meat grinder' Thumbnail of the map 'Short Bat'
My Depature Plan A Test of Perception 2 is Not a Crowd "Prove you can live after going through a meat grinder Short Bat


Pages: (0)


Gauss + seeker drones combination worked like a charm.
I didn't like the rocket near the doorkey so much. Especially while entering there over that floorguard ^^

Awesome dodge!

Too bad it had to end like that... :(
Awesome map! You're not all that bad - how come I've never seen you?
Demo Data

What account?

Can we know?

I used to have account. I've made at least 300 maps.

Wait what?

Your maps aren't terrible. Plus you have made only 6. It took me nearly 100 maps before I even got slightly noticed. Just be patient.