Bear in mind

Thumbnail of the map 'Bear in mind'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Mr_Mongoose
Tags action author:mr_mongoose bear flowy mind rated
Created 2011-01-29
Last Modified 2011-01-29
by 8 people.
Map Data

Description Spent a while on this one, enjoy :)

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Jogging Gums' Thumbnail of the map 'Tide in knots' Thumbnail of the map 'cahu inspired' Thumbnail of the map 'The Officers of Lloyd Street (Dub Mix)' Thumbnail of the map 'Entropolis' Thumbnail of the map 'ᴀᴀ-ᴀ'
Jogging Gums Tide in knots cahu inspired The Officers of Lloyd Street (Dub Mix) Entropolis ᴀᴀ-ᴀ


Pages: (0)

Demo Data

I see a skull

instead of the nose.

gameplay is Ok and it looks like a old man with a beard

faster speed

omg killer tileset!!! and awesome rocket!!! 4.5/5 and faved
Demo Data


It's very cute. I have played this before, I'm sure.

The right side is my favourite.

Death demo

Shows a way you could approach and agd though
Demo Data


I ride the thwump to the exit!
Demo Data


The rocket kept chasing me down, but I still kept going. Extremely fun map. 5/5 and faved
Demo Data