Fuel for the Media

Thumbnail of the map 'Fuel for the Media'

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Author adam_zappul
Tags aid author:adam_zappul japan unrated
Created 2011-03-12
Last Modified 2011-03-12
Map Data

Description How I feel right now:
I hate it how the media is juicing this disaster for every last sweet drop. I hate it that the US is so interested in watching the destruction flash before their eyes. I hate it how people are content to watch, but never think, "Hey, I can go there. I can help them. I can do something about this." Have people forgotten how to help their neighbor? Are they too busy spending trillions of dollars (that they don't actually have) on a pointless war in the middle east to consider helping another human being?
Sorry, I'm just in a bad mood...
Need to rant. I get irked by the news.
A BIIIG thanks to all of the people who are helping, and a salute to the people of Japan; your resolve is inspiring!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Deforestation' Thumbnail of the map 'The PWNR' Thumbnail of the map 'Blustery' Thumbnail of the map 'Gravity -101' Thumbnail of the map 'INCEPTION' Thumbnail of the map 'forte'
Deforestation The PWNR Blustery Gravity -101 INCEPTION forte


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That was tantalizingly verbose. Yes, communism does seem to dissonate with human nature, but socialism? People complain about not wanting social healthcare where I used to live, because most of them work at the hospital or the college, and they have good healthcare plans. My parents were dentists, and when my dad broke his leg they lost a huge amount of money. Social healthcare is simple enough; most people don't even realize, we already use social schooling! How would healthcare be any different?

The demo was...interesting? You almost had the point where they miss you!
People just aren't good enough, it goes completely against human nature.

And as for news coverage, it's rather important and worth covering. As for foreign policy, I couldn't agree more. The inaction in support of the victimized is rather atrocious. And the war in the Middle Easy IS pointless.

A majority of people didn't support it when it began and most sure as hell don't now. Not that the gov't would care.
Demo Data

Haha, not exactly conclusions...I just feel that way at the moment. I hate the media, and I wish people cared more about the human condition than squabbles with other folks. My heart goes out to the people who are there, desperately trying to rebuild their lives, or helping rebuild another's. And yet, Where is our money spent? I'm tired of those magnetic ribbons on trucks that say: Support our Troops! Or, those red and blue campaign ad bumper stickers. Why do we have so much hate? Heck, I even SAID quite forwardly what I hate in the description of the map. Kinda depressing, huh. Then again, I'm a passionate Communist Revolutionary, so I'm used to people disagreeing with my opinions.

I disabled ratings because, while I hold these opinions and support them, I don't think I deserve ratings for it. Four and Five stars should be saved for a map that is actually that good, not just because someone feels a certain way.

Not sure where you're getting all those conclusions.


would've rated 5. agreed.

Get used to it.

It's gonna be here for a whiiiiiiiiiiile.