Seven Days

Thumbnail of the map 'Seven Days'

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Author royy
Tags action author:royy playable unrated
Created 2011-03-20
Last Modified 2011-03-20
Map Data

Description Give me that much.


Pages: (0)

if this isn't astheoceansblue a multiaccounter I will be surprised
nice first map

Welcome to NUMA!

Have fun here, good map!


Demo Data



I type way too fast. X(

Welcome to NUMA!

Please enjoy your stay. Nice for a first map, but maxson (rose or eevee) has a point about the rocket and thwump sections are diffixult.

silly maxson, quintuple-posting is for kids.
Demo Data

Welcome to NUMA


p.s. make races
my second comment is absolutely retarded, as I forgot that you said "seven days" instead of one week. Just... just ignore me. I'm not usually this stupid, I promise.
well, the fact that I didn't notice it until I checked your profile means you're off to a great start. And when I say "the bottom half is okay," that's by average user standards. It's very good for a new mapper. Welcome to NUMA :)
considering I forgot to add the word "days."

As payment for my double post and as an excuse to triple-post, I will now play this map.

I'll give you two.

I think that's a fair compromise.

Here's an infinity times better demo.
Demo Data

Good map.
Demo Data