broken love

Thumbnail of the map 'broken love'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author trala
Tags author:trala n-art playable playable-n-art tile-art tileart unrated
Created 2011-03-23
Last Modified 2011-03-23
Rating 5 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description one of my n-art lvls, but still it's playable

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'smile-zap-die!!' Thumbnail of the map '"click"' Thumbnail of the map 'gauss arena no#2' Thumbnail of the map 'smile^^' Thumbnail of the map 'walk through the vally of time' Thumbnail of the map 'full time door-play'
smile-zap-die!! "click" gauss arena no#2 smile^^ walk through the vally of time full time door-play


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and jeah, but now the title fits better ;)

Also tag it

tile-art or tileart :p

Great tiles.

Your object placement needs to be refined a lot, though.
wel, the sign I used for the lvl means love, and since it looks kinda fucked-up/broken, it is called like that :P