Chamber X Laser

Thumbnail of the map 'Chamber X Laser'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author GamingWolf2000
Tags author:gamingwolf2000 corridors doors gauss unrated x
Created 2011-03-31
Last Modified 2011-03-31
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Some of us approach our laser surgeries head on.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Practice for Gladiators' Thumbnail of the map 'Unwelcome to the Empire' Thumbnail of the map 'Crampy Theatre' Thumbnail of the map 'Minimus Maximus' Thumbnail of the map 'Crazy Colosseum' Thumbnail of the map 'Back to Basics'
Practice for Gladiators Unwelcome to the Empire Crampy Theatre Minimus Maximus Crazy Colosseum Back to Basics


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good map 4/5

even though the map isnt symmetrical or have a pattern i still like the Xs and u didnt randomly place enemies and gold. good job!


This map is riddled with close calls, very intense!
Demo Data