
Thumbnail of the map 'Downstairs'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Epic4ever
Tags author:epic4ever dda unrated
Created 2011-04-10
Last Modified 2011-04-10
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Down, Up, Left and Right Stairs... Right? Or am I Wrong?

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Attero Dominatus' Thumbnail of the map 'Primo Victoria' Thumbnail of the map 'Eternal Glory' Thumbnail of the map 'Aurora' Thumbnail of the map 'Heart Of Gold' Thumbnail of the map 'Lobby'
Attero Dominatus Primo Victoria Eternal Glory Aurora Heart Of Gold Lobby


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And with your maps.

Try to seek inspiration with some renowned mappers. Try Koipen, Sunset, lsudny and alike. Try to create an overall theme for your maps and to vary more with your objects. You can make a fancy map with just 1 or 2 enemies, if used well. :)
I made a foreground and a background image by using some masking and etc. :)

Thank you very much its nice to get some cheeringĀ“s !!!

very good ;D

in this map i don't die!