Among The Jackels

Thumbnail of the map 'Among The Jackels'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Life247
Tags author:life247 ntbbge rated romaniac rules universezero
Created 2011-04-15
Last Modified 2011-05-09
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description 01. Your map either has to be floating or cavelike. ~~Life
02. There must be a narrow tunnel between two parts. ~~romaniac
03. There must be at least 15 trap doors. ~~UniverseZero
04. If you use mines, they must be one tilespace apart. ~~Life
05. The quantities of mines and gold must be equal. ~~romaniac
06. If you use thwumps, they must all be facing the same direction. ~~UniverseZero
07. You can either have one bounceblock or as many oneways as thwumps. ~~Life
08. There must be two or more quasi-random zap drones. ~~romaniac
09. You must use thwumps. ~~romaniac

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'thursday' Thumbnail of the map 'Cherishing the little things (microlife remix)' Thumbnail of the map 'A walk through the woods (remix)' Thumbnail of the map 'Durango Rangers' Thumbnail of the map 'Freeze The Ground' Thumbnail of the map 'Turpentine Surprise II'
thursday Cherishing the little things (microlife remix) A walk through the woods (remix) Durango Rangers Freeze The Ground Turpentine Surprise II


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this is such a different map. i was so confused by the trap doors, drones and thwumps at the start, but they proved good. well done with the map. 4

Smooth as silk even with csg I like this....but the thwumps?? really? :(


I have to hear more of what your work and projects with N, there seems to be very interesting things.
Thank you for trusting me help.
And thanks for all of Mibbit.


This may was really cool. Took me quite a few goes to get it, but I did. I must say, on the first go, I was quite confused by the thwumps. The rocket was placed nicely, the drones had awesome paths all over the place.
Demo Data