Christians Inferno

Thumbnail of the map 'Christians Inferno'

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Author andreas_xx
Tags author:andreas_xx day green green-day jumping mines unrated
Created 2011-05-16
Last Modified 2011-05-16
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description A tough challenge for you mineloving jumpers :)

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Death Blossoms' Thumbnail of the map 'Collapse' Thumbnail of the map 'Drones' Thumbnail of the map 'Like the Angel' Thumbnail of the map 'Thunderstruck' Thumbnail of the map 'Endgame'
Death Blossoms Collapse Drones Like the Angel Thunderstruck Endgame


Pages: (0)

okay sorry :P

No problem

just next time put the name of the person who inspired you so you dont get in trouble.

yea, i got a bit inspired there :P
Where Death Seems To Dwell []
It seems like the same besides the tiles xD
Now im about to play

nice demo, specially the beginning :D

All Gold Demo

dě-mō: 1. n: (see demonstration), 2. n: data designed to be decoded and viewed by the computer game "n"
Demo Data

fun :P

Demo Data