Underground Dungeon 1: The Key Room

Thumbnail of the map 'Underground Dungeon 1: The Key Room'

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Author Mattiator2
Tags author:mattiator2 playable puzzle unrated
Created 2005-12-14
Last Modified 2006-02-12
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description The first in the underground Dungeon series. Collect the keys, watch out for the traps, and get out!!!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Uh-Oh!'


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Underground Dungeon 1: The Key Room

Finnaly, I fixed the bugs!

In other words...

Make sure your cpu is being hoged by another program ( Preferably Windows XP ) before attempting to load up this level. Any high-end computers that load this within one second are going to have major issues, DAMN! Now i see why buying this super computer was a issue...


You forgot to reset.
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