
Thumbnail of the map 'atheist'

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Author ETele-DAD
Tags author:etele-dad concept mines playable rockets tricky unrated
Created 2011-06-25
Last Modified 2011-06-25
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description My first map, though not the first to be created. This really came from the theory of 'ascend into heaven' which I've heard too much recently. I'm an atheist (don't believe in God or any religion), so I converted my anger into this concept map. Enjoy, and don't tell me I'm a retard because I don't believe in a god (or individual deity by proxy if you prefer).

That's discriminationism! :D


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Rated a welcome 5

Welcome to Numa!

I believe in god, but i also believe that an atheist who know what he's doing is less dangerous than a believer who is unconscious.

Demo Data


I'm not angry, I just think that religion has holes in it like swiss cheese.

i'm an atheist too!

so is this user. []

Don't be mad, get GLAD™.

Why are you so angry? Isn't it peoples own matter of what they believe in?

It's a nice map for a first. I like it!