Meet the Sniper

Thumbnail of the map 'Meet the Sniper'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author andreas_xx
Tags author:andreas_xx meta-netish tf2 unrated
Created 2011-07-04
Last Modified 2011-07-04
Rating 5 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description ...

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Meet the Spy' Thumbnail of the map 'The Sky is Falling' Thumbnail of the map 'Meet the Scout' Thumbnail of the map 'Meet the Heavy' Thumbnail of the map 'Meet the Engineer' Thumbnail of the map 'Meet the Demoman'
Meet the Spy The Sky is Falling Meet the Scout Meet the Heavy Meet the Engineer Meet the Demoman


Pages: (0)


289 frames
Demo Data

Error code 404.

I was too fast for the system to handle. AGD:
Demo Data

Faster AGD

Slightly different route. Not sure which is faster to be honest.
Demo Data


Demo Data

Pretty fast run.

Think this is the best route :)
Demo Data

slow agd...
Demo Data