Tower Games

Thumbnail of the map 'Tower Games'

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Author red_wood
Tags action author:red_wood jumper rated
Created 2011-07-15
Last Modified 2011-07-15
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description In the distant future, those that are accused guilty are given the chance to prove their innocence through a test of might in the Tower. Those that collect all the gold and exit out through the door are declared innocent, and may walk away from any past crimes.

Just remember

The Bigger you are, The Harder you Fall

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Raging on the Road' Thumbnail of the map 'Tetris went to Vegas' Thumbnail of the map 'Stimulating Narcotic' Thumbnail of the map 'Metrolicious' Thumbnail of the map 'Zen Wood' Thumbnail of the map 'A Land of Square Clouds + Diamond Moons'
Raging on the Road Tetris went to Vegas Stimulating Narcotic Metrolicious Zen Wood A Land of Square Clouds + Diamond Moons


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you didn't know about the downward lauchpads being weaker?
I have practically a year here and already knew this, :p.

first try AGD -2

lol. this is a nice pad-jumper.4.5v
Demo Data

Demo Data


Love the tiles more than anything, for some reason.


sub-400 is possible, methinks.
Demo Data

oh, meta thanks

I like to learn and read someone who writes with great ownership. ;)


The launchpads aren't actually modified. What happens is that launchpads reset the ninja's velocity rather than add to it, so the ninja appears to slow down if you were going faster.

Besides that, downward facing launchpads are a bit weaker than upwards facing ones.
and that speed isnt terminal to a point, accelaration has to kick in
because I feels these launch you down with less power than normaly, simply a feel...


ye, I was just foolin around there
quite a fun map
4.5/5 ye..
Demo Data


the more gold you gather the more the lasers fire. idk why, but it might have somethign to do with lag

Nothings Modified

if you get shot by a launchpad into a laser beam tho you die pretty impressively

lasers fire randomly, i think it does have soem association with speed though

0 laser AGD

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making it difficult to develop an effective strategy. AGD
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AGD sweet concept
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