Shapeshifting Maze

Thumbnail of the map 'Shapeshifting Maze'

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Author Flo00
Tags author:flo00 playable puzzle unrated
Created 2011-08-13
Last Modified 2011-08-13
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description The idea of the map was a maze that changes while you play it.
This map is only the idea, I think its expandable, but I don't have the mind to do it :D

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Cave Trip' Thumbnail of the map 'RUN!' Thumbnail of the map 'Fall Deep' Thumbnail of the map 'Kathedral of the Shattered Moon' Thumbnail of the map 'Giant Punch' Thumbnail of the map 'Temple of Shattered Moon'
Cave Trip RUN! Fall Deep Kathedral of the Shattered Moon Giant Punch Temple of Shattered Moon


Pages: (0)

Second Try Demo.

Completion. That was a very good idea. I liked it alot. 5/5
Demo Data
I'll play with it and see if I can't improve the execution. Below is a demo.

Check out my amazeus map: []
Demo Data