10-1: What

Thumbnail of the map '10-1: What'

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Author turtles
Tags author:turtles playable unrated
Created 2011-08-18
Last Modified 2011-08-18
Map Data

Description There was a really neat trick to this map. I know it. But I can't remember what it was. :(((

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map '09-3: Distraction' Thumbnail of the map 'Euphorian Union' Thumbnail of the map 'Amaze me' Thumbnail of the map '09-4: Partially Hidden' Thumbnail of the map '10-0: Time for the Lazy Train' Thumbnail of the map 'UNICORNNNNN'
09-3: Distraction Euphorian Union Amaze me 09-4: Partially Hidden 10-0: Time for the Lazy Train UNICORNNNNN


Pages: (0)

getting the gold

I suck at playing this game, so for me it's a trick. -,-

where is the trick


Thank you, Seneschal. Thank you thank you thank you. :)


pretty fun.
Demo Data