
Thumbnail of the map 'Grandiloquency'

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Author Seneschal
Tags author:seneschal featured grandiloquency grandiosity grandness rated terpsichore titlenotaword
Created 2011-08-30
Last Modified 2011-08-30
by 15 people.
Map Data

Description You know the drill. []

This map was featured on 2011-10-06

This it it. I'm done. I can't feel the rain, I can't hear the ocean. I feel like I'm stuck in the eye of the storm, boring and stale, while the rest of the world around me is at full throttle. Every space of my mind is blocked, a tight fixed puzzle with no exits. Slowly sinking down a whirlpool... maybe the fish will keep me company. — spudzalot

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'The Maker, Shai-Hulud, Amidst the Sandstorms of Arrakis' Thumbnail of the map 'The Bathers' Thumbnail of the map 'Caterpillar Cavern' Thumbnail of the map 'Liechtenstein' Thumbnail of the map 'Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil' Thumbnail of the map '8-Bit Nun Fun'
The Maker, Shai-Hulud, Amidst the Sandstorms of Arrakis The Bathers Caterpillar Cavern Liechtenstein Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil 8-Bit Nun Fun


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Demo Data

Demo Data


Stop advertising on other people's maps unless you have the permission to do so. That's not a nice way. You want attention? - Make a great map.

roaming AGD

fun. This map uses mines perfectly, which I think is the most abused obstacle used in maps... Great placement of everything to make maneuvering around this map fun... and it looks great.
Demo Data


really enjoyed this!
time that has both piqued my interest and received my approval, 4/5

Sorta speedy

I'm happy though
Demo Data

this it it



This map was submitted at my birthday. :)


Won't be your last featured map, for sure!

5th rate

yay, cool map

i liked it spudz

the start is a little off-putting to be honest though, a better lead-in was the only thing i saw lacking

I tried to make some references to the swirl in the map. I'm sure some are way too subtle while others are generic but I tried. D:
I had to go one better.
Demo Data


Dammit I give up.
Demo Data
Destiny's demo to see the route; I naturally went the way Sen did. Also a triple walljump off the other lower bb isn't faster either.

But yeah, speedrun.
Demo Data

Suck it, Sen

Demo Data


Just because I can.
Demo Data

Slow AGD

Simple design worked to a great effect. 4.
Now you! []
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Demo Data