01-3 But While You Decide, Half Empty or Half Full
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Author | ethel |
Tags | author:ethel deathcab featured manhattan plans rated |
Created | 2011-10-23 |
Last Modified | 2011-10-23 |
Rating |
5 by 14 people.
Map Data | |
Description | Thanks to Shortshift and Spudz for playtesting, sort of Losttortuga inspired. Worked really hard on this map. |
This map was featured on 2015-01-15
713: the number of the vault at one stage containing the Philosopher’s Stone in the Harry Potter universe; the main area code for Houston, Texas; and in China, Kaiyuan Za Bao, one of the first newspapers in the world, begins publication. 713 is also the total amount grid squares for an N map.
But While You Decide, Half Empty or Half Full is one of those maps that makes me wonder how a design within such limitations can be so ethereal. The mesmerizing architecture of the alien landscape is complemented with surreal gameplay and ***WARNING: INTRUDER DETECTED. TRANSMISSION TERMINATED!***
— ska
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Before I sound too negative
I'd like to add that the tiles and the gold are pretty sweet. :)
Hm, not much to it, sorry. :/
I'm not a fan of double gausses. I'd have preferred a rocket.
Sweet review ska.
And a great map. I really like the gold on this one.
sweet review
Demo Data |
I left out an "of" in my review which is bugging me more than it probably should, despite triple checking it.
Dude, 11 flawless?
This is why I don't allow ratings on my maps
Where's 01-2?
Good map :)
Good map :)
Demo Data |
Turns out its 23x31, both of which are prime, that explains it. Didn't know that, although this is nothing new to mappers, probably.