Thumbnail of the map 'UP DOWN'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author shink1234
Tags action author:shink1234 hard play puzzle survival unrated
Created 2011-11-03
Last Modified 2011-11-03
Rating 5 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description up down thwump
what happen?

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'hypercube redux' Thumbnail of the map 'papa...' Thumbnail of the map 'Dronies' Thumbnail of the map 'narrowed' Thumbnail of the map 'Homeming' Thumbnail of the map 'What happen?'
hypercube redux papa... Dronies narrowed Homeming What happen?


Pages: (0)

we generally ask people to wait to submit maps so that anyone only has 2 at most on the hot maps page, so that no single author is dominating that page, as you are doing right now. I suppose that you have been assembling maps for a while and just recently discovered this site or something. Your maps do show some promise, so I'd suggest you hold onto the rest of your maps for now and wait for feedback on these that you have posted already.
might as well push it over the 218000 mark, now that you've already taken over all of the recent 10 maps

Welcome to NUMA

There's a rule that you can't have more than two maps on the hot maps page at a time. So slow it down =P
Enjoy your stay.