
Thumbnail of the map 'February'

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Author Wizard2
Tags author:wizard2 dda rated rockets weekend
Created 2012-04-05
Last Modified 2012-04-05
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description This was posted on NARC 2 months ago.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Poiuyt' Thumbnail of the map 'Overlook' Thumbnail of the map 'Harvest' Thumbnail of the map 'Fugue' Thumbnail of the map 'Rise' Thumbnail of the map 'DDA for 12/23/11'
Poiuyt Overlook Harvest Fugue Rise DDA for 12/23/11


Pages: (0)


Lots of close calls in there! I also noticed theres a part of a ctrdda in there!

Hello here

How are you doing in your new life?
I hope so good!
Not the best you've ever made.


That was pretty damn awesome.
How long does it take to make a standard DDA?

Agree w/AMLT

Like how you made some KRA elements in there. Awesome. 3.75
It's cool that you've achieved it, but not cool as something you have to sit through watching.

Demo Data
But this is nice.

I'm amazed.