Run Forest Run

Thumbnail of the map 'Run Forest Run'

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Author Laser_Kid
Tags author:laser_kid fun unrated
Created 2012-05-06
Last Modified 2012-05-06
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Run Faster

Other maps by this author

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Packattack PackAttack2 PackAttack3 Symmetry The Ultimate Question of Life, The Universe, and Everything Answer to the Ultimate Question


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btw AGD means All Gold Demo


Since you're new you probably dont know that miststalker's demos are always fbf'ed, I supose you know whats that, in case you dont, its just a way to play frame-by-frame. (cheating)
I dont know why he does never say that, since he should, it seems like he's trying to make them seem legit while they arent.
Demo Data


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