Doors Everywhere

Thumbnail of the map 'Doors Everywhere'

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Author Traveleravi
Tags author:traveleravi dda rockets trapdoors unrated
Created 2012-05-13
Last Modified 2012-05-13
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description This is a really terrible DDA I made. Tell me what you think.

Other maps by this author

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Yeah, nice for a first dda.
I laughed a bit watching it, so take a 3!!!

i liked the use of gold delay on this.
For a first DDA. The only bits I didn't really like were the massive thwump cluster down the bottom, and the thwump waiting. 4/5 from me.

Same with mine.

But that was back when you could actually delete maps.


Well then, i feel better about myself...
Which, if I might remark, sucked total ass.