The Unforgiving Tree

Thumbnail of the map 'The Unforgiving Tree'

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Author lfaber
Tags action-jumper author:lfaber hard unforgiving unrated
Created 2012-05-24
Last Modified 2012-05-24
Rating 5 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description SWEET Action-jumper.
All AGD's with a rate of the map get 5 rate+comment on their maps!!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Surrealist' Thumbnail of the map 'Brooklyn' Thumbnail of the map 'Blackened Heart, Ceasing Circulation' Thumbnail of the map 'Steelyard' Thumbnail of the map 'Hydro-electric hub' Thumbnail of the map 'A few screws loose'
Surrealist Brooklyn Blackened Heart, Ceasing Circulation Steelyard Hydro-electric hub A few screws loose


Pages: (0)

I swear

I didn't steal the name from you! ;)


dem shootin
dem hatin

but seriously. pretty cool one. the lasers sometimes pissed me off when they shot through the gaps in circles (but that's my tileset :P). i really liked the minejumper part on the left, but you could add some gold to make it more nonlinear. rocket was nice. have a weird death demo xD
Demo Data
gotta go to school.

Death demo.

dunno how I survived that fall, but it is unusual!
Demo Data

you literally have pms disabled

send me a couple sample reviews in some form somewhere

do you get on irc

50-100 words, pick good maps, use the forums queue, the end
It's really hard. I like it though. All your maps play like they were made in like 2006. I think that's cool.