close escape

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Author damatman
Tags author:damatman dda unrated
Created 2005-12-19
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description this is my first attempt at a DDA
i hope u like it!

Other maps by this author

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escape from drone-ville Escape From Drone-City thwump challenge 1


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its been said but u used too many jump pads. especially where theyre cramped. it takes away from the whole nirvanical experience. since its you first, 4/5

i know!!!

yet it is very hard to make DDA's without many jumppads!
youhave to be a pro!
too jumppad heavy, try using different means of launching N about. try not to put too many rockets and try to add a few more close calls

heh heh

i still made poor n die at the end for a laugh!