Rocket Madness

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Author fonda
Tags author:fonda dda gold-delay rocket thwump unrated
Created 2012-08-07
Last Modified 2012-08-07
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description A level with gold delay, homing launchers, and thwumps. Not all trap doors are hit, but all gold is collected! Yes. There is thwump riding. I just created a level like rocket-thwumped.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map '5-3 Superliminal' Thumbnail of the map 'Simple Challenge 1' Thumbnail of the map '5-4 Top to Bottom' Thumbnail of the map 'Section N' Thumbnail of the map 'Rocket Run' Thumbnail of the map 'Frogger (DDA)'
5-3 Superliminal Simple Challenge 1 5-4 Top to Bottom Section N Rocket Run Frogger (DDA)


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This isn't bad

I liked when all the rockets were blocked by trapdoor.

I liked it!

Nice work, 4/5.