Integrity of a Lie

Thumbnail of the map 'Integrity of a Lie'

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Author Tommy_Wiseau
Tags author:tommy_wiseau playable unrated
Created 2012-08-15
Last Modified 2012-08-15
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Map 100!

Don't mind the gimmicky ending, I couldn't resist.

Was going to write some big long thing saying how much I love this community and blah blee blah, but I'll spare everyone from the torture and just say a few things.

In a nutshell, I think Metanet has genuinely affected my life; N mapping is merely a hobby, but the people here have changed me through both NUMA and IRC. I've been a member for almost a third of my life, and I've made what I consider to be genuine friends. While I've made many, many sudden absences before, I've realized that this community is too important for me to leave again, for the time being.

An obligatory thanks list would go here, but in reality I can't think of many people I wouldn't thank. So, here are some notable ones:
- The people who have been so dedicated to NUMA to keep it alive even after it fell into a coma a few months back. Two I wanna mention are lsudny (for rating/commenting on what seems to be every map), and zoasBE (for being both incredibly committed and helpful to others), but there are many others, too.
- flag, for giving me reviewership and being an all around cool guy.
- KinGAleX, for being the person to make me feel truly welcome here (and being an all around cool guy).
- GamingWolf, for being willing to play random games with me at any hour of the day (and cool guy, you know).
- And finally, kuri/artistolipto, for really pointing me in the right direction with my recent maps. I also commend him for taking so much shit in IRC that he doesn't deserve. Seriously!

But again, thanks to everyone!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Everybody... Get, In, Line!' Thumbnail of the map 'With a Bitter Twist' Thumbnail of the map 'Lies, On the Rocks' Thumbnail of the map 'Under a Strobe Light' Thumbnail of the map 'From Iowa to Appalachia' Thumbnail of the map 'Ice In Your Drink'
Everybody... Get, In, Line! With a Bitter Twist Lies, On the Rocks Under a Strobe Light From Iowa to Appalachia Ice In Your Drink


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Eh, I'll get that gold later-

Oh. Fun little flight though.
Demo Data

I appreciate this.

Demo Data
I rated such words.
Especially, that sentence "In a nutshell, I think Metanet has genuinely affected my life; N mapping is merely a hobby". Loved it!!

I'll play the map tomorrow ok? It's a bit late to me.. 05:30am.. :P

Thanks to you.

Thanks to you.