
Thumbnail of the map 'Flame'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author wcvandal
Tags action author:wcvandal playable rated
Created 2005-12-20
by 8 people.
Map Data

Description RESUBMITTED with a couple changes. It was sniped down to a really low rating so im resubmitting it for that reason also. Play, enjoy, comment, make suggestions, leave demos, you know that drill

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Bluestreak' Thumbnail of the map 'Factor' Thumbnail of the map 'Juxtapose' Thumbnail of the map 'Cut-out' Thumbnail of the map 'Cognative Reasoning' Thumbnail of the map 'Golan Heights'
Bluestreak Factor Juxtapose Cut-out Cognative Reasoning Golan Heights


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i get ya

i totally understand. at this point in your map making career, you gotta resubmit maps like these. you have to get discovered. if you have a bunch of great maps with 2's, its not as fun because people dont play and comment your maps. do what you have to do-you'll be a successful map maker

point taken

i was just upset over th 2.5 rating that i ended up with due to sniping and what not. by the by, without totally sounding like a n00b, what is "bitesize"


Don't resubmit your maps because of their rating.
Just leave them.
This map was on bitesize, isn't that enough?
That means that people who know what a good map is, really enjoyed it.
I mean resubmitting a map like this shifts the whole purpose of map-making.
Please don't do that.

It is a pretty nice map though.