The Serpents Path

Thumbnail of the map 'The Serpents Path'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author R3D_N1NJ4
Tags author:r3d_n1nj4 race rated redninja serpent test
Created 2012-09-02
Last Modified 2012-09-02
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description this is kind of a test race map. i know its not very good or long but i just want to show you guys so you can tell me what you think. ive never made a race map before.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map '04-0 Attempted Solace' Thumbnail of the map '04-1 Sneak Attack' Thumbnail of the map '04-2 The Oreo Master' Thumbnail of the map '04-3 200 bpm' Thumbnail of the map '04-4 Here Comes The Wrecking Crew' Thumbnail of the map '05-0 Outpost Alpha 9'
04-0 Attempted Solace 04-1 Sneak Attack 04-2 The Oreo Master 04-3 200 bpm 04-4 Here Comes The Wrecking Crew 05-0 Outpost Alpha 9


Pages: (0)

wow fun

that thwump came out of nowhere!


Faved- I don't know how I didn't see this pearl but awesome. good job reddy

wow thanks ors

that comment means alot! im really glad you liked my map, as is my goal.


Wanted to make one AGD more to clearly the best map I have ever played. =D
Demo Data


Wow nice!



I like good maps.
Demo Data

thanks you guys

your really inspiring me to make another race map

Agreed with Ors_II

This map looks and plays amazingly.
Speedrun. 4.5/5^
Demo Data
either that or i couldnt put it there at all because if it was a block to the right, it would be impossible to pass. thanks anyway though:)
Demo Data

thanks man


Nice map.

Nice map and it works too.