
Thumbnail of the map 'M.G.'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author mrgy05
Tags author:mrgy05 mg mrgy n-art nonplayable sketch unrated
Created 2012-09-27
Last Modified 2012-09-27
Map Data

Description A sketch.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Genius' Thumbnail of the map 'Take a Journey' Thumbnail of the map 'Civilian Bombardment' Thumbnail of the map 'Untitled' Thumbnail of the map 'Metrik' Thumbnail of the map 'Gear Head'
Genius Take a Journey Civilian Bombardment Untitled Metrik Gear Head


Pages: (0)


There isn't as much action going on anymore here so I don't have to worry about a map (such as this one) not getting knocked off the hot list due to a lack of rates(Hench the disable rating)

Anyway, M.G. is a secret and you're fairly close on the age (27)
the only two obvious issues with this art is that the right cheek (her left) is a bit off, or she has a super muscly jaw.
and the left side of her bottom lip needs a little fattening up. but other than that it's good. also what does M.G. stand for?

that's great!

I never figured out roughly how old you are, but I'm assuming a little older than I am (21).
yeah life is always busy, especially when you have school. I only have 6 weeks or so left.
I still don't know how you do this (or how your wife/partner let's you) when you have school, work and you are a father...


Everyone's doing great, two little girls, one 4 and the other 1 1/2. Lots of work, some school still, kids and family, the whole 9 yards. Hectic :)
Oh btw I was gonna ask, how's your family going? You have a daughter right?