Spin Race 7

Thumbnail of the map 'Spin Race 7'

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Author Ors_II
Tags author:ors_ii race unrated
Created 2012-10-06
Last Modified 2012-10-06
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description I continued my race map making.

Other maps by this author

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Challenge 0. Drone factory Challenge 1 Challenge 2.1 Triangle jumper Challenge 3


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No that good.

You don´t realy get the path by yourselth, the start is not good for a race and the gold looks ugly. It´s your 7th race and there is near than zero improvement. 2.5

ahh i see

nice demo, ill try to do an AGD soon


And nice way! Here is a AGD and flow on this map.
Demo Data


i was wondering when you were going to make another spin race. this one is pretty good, but at some parts i didnt know where to go and it got confusing, so i just cheated it. still pretty fun 4/5
Demo Data