Darkness and negative matter

Thumbnail of the map 'Darkness and negative matter'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Sunset
Tags action author:sunset unrated
Created 2012-10-07
Last Modified 2012-10-07
Map Data

Description It's like the God in me saw the Devil in you

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Heartfelt desire' Thumbnail of the map 'Makin' some easy green' Thumbnail of the map 'Something unpredictable' Thumbnail of the map 'Tell us to stop' Thumbnail of the map 'No cloud in the sky' Thumbnail of the map 'FEAR ME FOR I AM KRAKEN'
Heartfelt desire Makin' some easy green Something unpredictable Tell us to stop No cloud in the sky FEAR ME FOR I AM KRAKEN


Pages: (0)


pt2 <3
Demo Data


stop resubmitting my maps


I love you.
Demo Data

Demo Data
Too bad the gameplay isn't very exciting.

Imagination brings bliss at no cost, when I blink blink I receive at no loss.

love that song

aw fuck. well cool map. would've been extremely boring if shorter
Demo Data


Definitely needed to be shorter. 3.
Demo Data

thanks bro.


looks neat

the game play is decent.. towards the end you just don't want to make a stupid mistake.... I am not sure if I would have played again if I did though.. some errand running gold
Demo Data

This wasn't hard

But it wasn't exactly exciting. Too much empty space.

i died at the top

i think i was 5000 frames in

the world needs more easy sunset maps like these