Confined Chaos

Thumbnail of the map 'Confined Chaos'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Traveleravi
Tags author:traveleravi hard unrated
Created 2012-11-24
Last Modified 2012-11-25
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Sometimes a little control is ok. Don't rate till you have played.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Static and Noise' Thumbnail of the map 'Goal Post' Thumbnail of the map 'Dear Snipers' Thumbnail of the map 'Wiggles' Thumbnail of the map 'Lump of Fiery Coal' Thumbnail of the map 'TMNT'
Static and Noise Goal Post Dear Snipers Wiggles Lump of Fiery Coal TMNT


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at some point.


you were too far left


...yeah i did, i got the switch in the comment that starts with "hmmm wondering" and then in the next comment i wonder about getting those gold...


you didn't get the switch


...also how do you get these gold? i tried just haning out in that little crevice for the drone to pass but you cant he zaps you there and its impossible to get the gold and get out fast enough...
Demo Data


...hmm wondering why the exit is blocked off when i got there it looked like nothing was in the way but it wouldnt let me exit?...
Demo Data


and fixed, thanks i have no idea why it did that...


...WAIT! WTF when i look at the thumbnail there is a space at the bottom to get through, and when i paste the data and play it that space is blocked witha 4 tile ?...


...LOL im dumb haha looking at this map is very crazy my eyes deceived me...

... it just me or is there no way to get over to the left side??...
Demo Data