
Thumbnail of the map '2,4-Dihydroxy-N-(3-hydroxypropyl)-3,3-dimethylbutanamide'

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Author BionicCryonic
Tags author:bioniccryonic bounceblock unrated
Created 2012-12-11
Last Modified 2012-12-11
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description And you claw

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Zone of Fragmentation' Thumbnail of the map 'Iridium Carbide' Thumbnail of the map 'The Saints From the East with a Vengeance and Prayers' Thumbnail of the map 'Blue Sky Smoke' Thumbnail of the map 'Caldera' Thumbnail of the map 'Pentaga'
Zone of Fragmentation Iridium Carbide The Saints From the East with a Vengeance and Prayers Blue Sky Smoke Caldera Pentaga


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Weeee :)
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BIO! I have missed your high pitched voice. Has it lowered since we last talked? Here's a death at the exit.
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woulda been a cooler demo had a i gotten a corner jump at the end but oh well.
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Because you didn't respond. But it is important that you know my side.

<Etothetaui> Bio, i'm sorry if i insulted you with my sarcasm. I definitely benefit from your advice. My gold is better that it was. I have stopped (mostly) adding too many unnecessary enemies. my mines for the most part are better than they have been. I have made a lot more maps that are not too redundant or repetitive. I have made less symmetrical maps because you say they annoy you.
<Etothetaui> bio, What you have to understand is that although you have a lot of wise things to say I have a different style than you do and will ultimately make my own decisions. My thanks are in no way "fake." I do appreciate your feedback, but I will always get to choose what parts of your feedback i agree with and decide to incorporate into my maps and which parts i don't feel make sense to me as a mapper. Do you understand where i am coming from?
<Etothetaui> I am in no way completely disregarding your comments. I however only agree with some of them. and that is ok because we are different people with different opinions
"Even the gold was nothing like what you describe what gold should be like." Also false.


the mines used to make the launch pads not accessible from the bottom are cool. other than that this map is not great.

It is too empty, the rocket is not interesting enough and there is not enough excitement.

What is the point of the trapdoors. Even the gold was nothing like what you describe what gold should be like.

You've definitely made better.



Not much to say.
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