Like Clockwork

Thumbnail of the map 'Like Clockwork'

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Author coldcuts
Tags author:coldcuts beatable cool drones fun playable unrated
Created 2012-12-28
Last Modified 2012-12-28
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description MAP 2

Please leave feedback. Check out my demo if you're stuck and having trouble beating the level. Let me know, is it too hard? Too easy? :D


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i remember you too. I was known as Ben_Schultz_11 when you were active back in 2005 though...
Nitrile knows nothing of clock hand beauty

welcome back!



its cool that people remember me. some reason i just started playing this game again,(needed something to do while im listening to audio lectures n stuff) man its fun. and since i started playing i get ideas when im at work sometimes, and i make doodles on sticky pads and bring em bak home, so i have alot of map ideas to make. so yea, expect to see more maps from me.

oh and i was thinking if there were less drones it would be too easy. its actually not that tough once u get the hand of it, watch my demo of how i did it


I'll give it a 3.5/5^, though, because once you get a pattern down, it will not be as hard. :D
Demo Data

Neat concept!

The execution's a shot in the dark, though. I feel this map would work better if there were less drones so that more maneuverability was possible. How tight the drones are packed makes it harder to judge where to land and the correct speed one should take. If there were less drones, I would be able to see the floorguard work more efficiently. But hey, welcome back after all this time being inactive. Plan on staying a while?


thnx for ur input. i had fun playing this but thats just me. uhm flagmyidol what do u mean 'biggest username doubletake of all time"? if u mean because i used to be coldcut along time ago, and i forgot my password, and made a new name by adding an s, than ur right :D what cud i do? i liked the name coldcut. wish i cud still use it ;P

welcome to numa

i'm not sure about the difficulty. but difficulty aside it's not a very fun level, it is basically trial and error and a lot of error. floorguard was sorta innovative.

the clock hands look pretty ugly.

Biggest username doubletake of all time.

Here is a demo

You can probably get a better time. Also if you get on top of the hands I will make a map in your dedication!
Demo Data