00-1: Fortaleza de la Soledad

Thumbnail of the map '00-1: Fortaleza de la Soledad'

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Author elhombredelsombrero
Tags author:elhombredelsombrero conectado unrated
Created 2013-01-17
Last Modified 2013-01-17
Map Data

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Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map '00-0: Las calles de Agua'
00-0: Las calles de Agua


Pages: (0)

the tiles are bugging for me, looks emptry though, add some mines


please enable ratings. Most people enable it so we can rate your great maps. Only disable it if people snipe, which means they purposely always rate 0.

Also, do you know EddyMataGallos? He is a cool guy around here that has THE HIGHEST highscores in this whole game!
Great first map!
(I hope you can speak English, I can speak a bit of it from learning at school :D)

(Yo espero tu hablas ingles, yo hablo un poco de la clase de espanol :D)


good to know you can speak english
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