D.S. al Coda

Thumbnail of the map 'D.S. al Coda'

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Author miststalker06
Tags author:miststalker06 squeeze unrated
Created 2013-01-25
Last Modified 2013-01-25
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Enjoy this difficult squeeze map I made. If you can. Lol :p

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'This is probably a bad map but merry christmas nonetheless' Thumbnail of the map 'The All Gold Demo of Life' Thumbnail of the map 'The Scientist' Thumbnail of the map 'Them Crazy Lifts' Thumbnail of the map 'All It Takes Is Just One Little Tooth' Thumbnail of the map 'The Odyssey of A Boy'
This is probably a bad map but merry christmas nonetheless The All Gold Demo of Life The Scientist Them Crazy Lifts All It Takes Is Just One Little Tooth The Odyssey of A Boy


Pages: (0)


We should do another one again, sometime. This one's been fun.

Final edit?



Almost done! Not sure how the upper area will function, but maybe some mine-jumper bits.

Also, I'm looking forward for the release our your band's EP if it will be available for download.


Demo Data


Demo Data


I took out the chaingun and replaced it with a gauss, because I felt the chaingun was not the best enemy after playing it a second time. Feel free to revert it back or change what ever you want!

I was also checking out the Tea Trees' website and I was wondering if you guys are a cover band and/or you write your own stuff, and what genre you guys specialize in.


I'll get to our collab later tonight when I'm not working and then I'll hand off the data to y'all. :)

I'll be in the channel #n-mapping as "trance"


I'm ready for the collab. You wanna start?

nice map

but d.S. al codas are better. haha i play trombone