02-0: Nada es Correcta

Thumbnail of the map '02-0: Nada es Correcta'

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Author elhombredelsombrero
Tags author:elhombredelsombrero conectado unrated
Created 2013-01-28
Last Modified 2013-01-29
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Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map '01-2: Leo es un genio' Thumbnail of the map '01-3: Opciones' Thumbnail of the map '01-4: Yo' Thumbnail of the map '03-0: Ajedrez' Thumbnail of the map '03-1: Ajedrez Otra Vez' Thumbnail of the map '03-2: Rectangulos Problematicos'
01-2: Leo es un genio 01-3: Opciones 01-4: Yo 03-0: Ajedrez 03-1: Ajedrez Otra Vez 03-2: Rectangulos Problematicos


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but it was much better before!! see Nada es 'Correcta' Nothing is 'Corretc', just as the title say, nothing is correct, you see the wink and the word game fun?


Gramatica es estupido...
Nada es Correcta...


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