Crash Course

Thumbnail of the map 'Crash Course'

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Author Epic4ever
Tags author:epic4ever emulator unrated
Created 2013-02-11
Last Modified 2013-02-11
Rating 1 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Me trying to emulate RandomDigits.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Soundwave' Thumbnail of the map 'The Circles Of Pain' Thumbnail of the map '03-00:War' Thumbnail of the map '03-01:Semi-Automatic Test' Thumbnail of the map '03-02:Bullets' Thumbnail of the map '03-03:More Juice'
Soundwave The Circles Of Pain 03-00:War 03-01:Semi-Automatic Test 03-02:Bullets 03-03:More Juice


Pages: (0)

speedrun (sorry for spamming all your maps, they're just good.)
Demo Data

The rockets really didn't do it for me here. The tileset is too cramped for them to really work and the combination of seeker and rocket at the start is a real pain.

voted 3, would be a cool 4 if that zap chasing drone wasn't there, it ruins everything in my opinion. but this is good and the rockets are nice, nice job



death demo.

cool map.
Demo Data