Thumbnail of the map 'AGD.'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author miststalker06
Tags author:miststalker06 enjoy rated
Created 2013-02-18
Last Modified 2013-02-18
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description Here's a little map. Really bad. But aah, can't help it. :D

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Gray Matters' Thumbnail of the map 'Grilled' Thumbnail of the map 'Calibrating Your Compass In The Nachos Galaxy' Thumbnail of the map 'Kings of Leon' Thumbnail of the map 'Bundjalung' Thumbnail of the map 'Trinity'
Gray Matters Grilled Calibrating Your Compass In The Nachos Galaxy Kings of Leon Bundjalung Trinity


Pages: (0)

know what you have make here.

Fun, clean, highscore'able, stylish, and still challenging.
Super misty!!!

I have no more words, it's perfect!

thanks, dude


Just for fun

A speedrun. Not sure if its quite 4x as fast as unicorn_drone's, but I think it'll have to do.
Demo Data


So apparently nobody else tried to actually fulfill the map title until now? I even got it under 1000 frames.
Demo Data

k i got rose

he is coming to delet. SORRY!


Too large. requesting rose services...

Too close to the rocket for my taste. Purely aesthetic.

Why would you change that mine?

No change to the gameplay..

slash, the lower right placement is fine. If anything is a bad mine it's the one right under the rocket but that's honestly the only thing I'd change. Worse sins have been committed on good maps before.

haha wat. miststalker thinks I am a better mapper than him lol. you funny.

NGD :p
Demo Data

and it has absolutly nothing to do with you or this map

I'm just abusing the fact this map is popular. ; d


there should be a reviver thing.

when your dead ninja falls on it, the inja revives.

aaaa so cute. xD

like on*


miststalker coming back to his roots. Now all you've got to do is to give up that ugly mine placement (likeon the far right) and I'll love you.



psst guys.

*this is the moment when somebody gives a 4x faster demo than me to make me feel stupid*

like gosh that would be a good sr ._.

I managed to do that awesome jump above those mines only twice.



or fail sr
Demo Data


Demo Data


And that's how i knew it was your map. As simple as dat babyy

I'm not really

an "elite". At least I don't consider myself as such. I think atob and Godless and other authors alike are way better than me for examples. :)


nah godless was there, nvm my first sentence
but still strange

I always wonder

why you get votes before someone comments,
that happens a lot to all "elites"

That leftmost floor mine is the absolute definition of an ambient object. I like this.